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Defend Your Profits: Safety Tools for Bottom Line Improvement – 2nd Edition

  • This bestselling book is highly recommended for Senior, Safety, HR, and Front Line Leaders.

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In Defend Your Profits: Safety Tools for Bottom Line Improvement, Rodney Grieve dispels the myths about traditional safety program while presenting effective tools to move from profit-eating compliance programs to profit-saving improvements.  Designed to help the  business leader collect the information needed to make sound financial decisions, the tools in Defend Your Profits will help you not only create a safer work environment, but give you more time to focus on business and more control over your future.


A Gate to Gate Journey of Leadership Essentials

  • This book is recommended for All Employees to understand their role as a leader in the organization.

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It started out as just another flight from Denver to Cincinnati and quickly turned into a journey of discovery. Through a series of coincidental conversations, I found myself learning lessons on effective leadership. Having worked for several organizations, I have found the biggest challenge at each was also the one constant: people. Successfully leading another person has always been the hardest part of the job. On this journey, I learned that its hard work and it can be quite simple. Leadership is about making choices, taking risks and creating opportunities to SOAR.

© 2019 by BRANTA Worldwide, Inc. and Rodney Grieve

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